"Beautiful You" and Pacifica Giveaway!

I am not good at sharing self-care tips—in part because I’m not yet particularly good at self-care myself, and in part because I fear that my inner skeptic will forever shine through. I imagine if I were to try to guide anyone through a self-care exercise they would wind up doing overcaffeinated Downward Dogs on a profane yoga mat before saying aw, screw it and sitting down to, like, live-Tweet Hoarders.

Luckily, there are other writers out there who are doing excellent work on self-care—writers who manage what seems to me an incredible feat, writing about self-care without lapsing into cliches about how we should all be taking bubble baths. Rosie Molinary is one of them. When I first ran across her book Beautiful You: A Daily Guide to Radical Self-Acceptance, I practically inhaled it and immediately sent her an interview request (to which she graciously responded). Her work is direct yet gentle, and her concrete, hands-on stepping stones to self-acceptance spoke to me in a way that usual self-care advice never did. I read the book—and then promptly stashed it away on a shelf, because, as we've ascertained, I'm not yet great at engaging in self-care.

I’m taking it back off that shelf now to help guide me to make some better self-care choices in my life—and, as luck would have it, I have another copy signed by Rosie herself that is waiting to find a good home. And since taking care of one's skin with luxurious things like body butter is one of my favorite parts of self-care, the Pacifica Island Glow Beautiful Body Kit is a lovely complement to the book. Actually, over the years Pacifica has been a part of my self-care at its best: At one point I owned six of their wonderfully transporting candles (the Thai Lemongrass battles Mexican Cocoa for my favorite), as a solo candlelit evening is one of my favorite ways to unwind...when I can remember to do it.

Contains: Coconut Crushed Pearl Luminizing Body Butter, Coconut Crushed Pearl Bronzing Body Butter,
Kona Coffee and Sugar Detox Whole Body Scrub, and Coconut Pearls Luminizing Lip Quench

So! The Beheld's very first giveaway! Thanks to Rosie, who donated the signed book, and the team at Pacifica, which donated the body kit, one reader will win this self-care package. Leave a comment on this entry—any comment is welcome, but I’m particularly interested in one small thing you do to care for yourself—and you’ll be entered to win a signed copy of Beautiful You and the Pacifica Island Glow Beautiful Body Kit. Comments/entry open until midnight EST Monday, August 29. I look forward to reading your thoughts!