Interview at Blossoming Badass

When I came across a reflective, artful entry on The F Bomb that began "I am not pretty"—and then went on to describe why that just might be okay—I knew I'd stumbled across a blogger to watch. Sure enough, Alexa, who maintains Blossoming Badass in addition to her guest posts at The F Bomb, has become someone I'm always excited to share thoughts and ideas with, whether she's writing about feminist grammar (obviously a girl after my own heart), her experiences with sex ed (she's currently in high school), or the frustrations of powerlessness in the face of other people's body image issues.

Lucky for me, she feels the same way! I was honored when she asked to interview me for Blossoming Badass. Please click on through to read a candid take on why I started this blog, my feminist initiation, a bit more on the mirror fast, and more.